

Members 4 members

iSWIM operates an annual membership which means we can all use the facilities at Brighton Sailing Club.

This is a club made up of like-minded people who all chip in to help with the running and safety of all.

Everyone is responsible for their own safety in the sea and therefore should carry out their own dynamic risk assessment before deciding to swim.

You must be acclimatised to cold water if you decide to swim and you must buddy up and look out for each other at all times.

As a Member, you have access to our closed Facebook group for Members as well as a WhatsApp group which are great resources to organise swimming together.

During the Winter months, from November through to end of April, we will not be taking any new Members and everyone swimming with the Club must already be acclimatised to Winter sea swimming conditions.


Membership includes:

  • Warm showers, changing facilities and bag storage

  • All year fob access

  • Discounted entry to social events

  • Access to Clubhouse area and subsidised bar for Clubhouse events

  • Socialise with other sea swimming buddies

  • Access to exclusive members Facebook group & WhatsApp group where you can meet others swimmers and organise your own swims

  • Your own iSWIM branded swim cap

  • 10% off Tea/Coffee and food at the seafront Flour Pot Bakery (on the beach)

  • Discount on Coffee from The Pump Room (and sometimes they give you hand warmers after a swim too!)


Our Members have access to the changing rooms and showers on a daily basis.

The main clubhouse area and bar are for special events and social occasions.

These events will be advertised to Members (and non-Members when appropriate).

Did we mention that we have a bar?!


What’s the cost?

CLUB MEMBERSHIP: £130 (per year)

When joining the Club with experience of sea swimming, you are entitled to buy a key fob which allows you access to the Club changing facilities all year round.

We offer HALF PRICE concessionary rates for unwaged, senior citizens and students in full time education or a partner of an existing full paying member, provided they live at the same address.

iSWIM BRIGHTON is for Over 18's only.